This month, our project consultant Mary Todd shares some important information homeowners may not be aware of regarding FEMA flood zones and how they may affect your remodeling project.
If you are thinking about tackling a remodeling project,
whether in your current home or a newly purchased home, it’s easy to dream big.
After all, the fun of remodeling is making the space perfect for you and your
family. Unfortunately, in our area, there
be limits on what you are permitted to spend on your remodeling project,
depending on which municipality you are located in and if your property is
located in a FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA).
What is an SFHA and
how do I know if my property is located in an SFHA zone?

FEMA defines SFHAs as land areas that are at high risk for
flooding, where high risk is defined as having at least a 1 in 4 chance of
flooding during a 30-year mortgage.
Your home’s flood zone designation is listed on your
elevation certificate, which should be provided
to you as part of your closing
documents when purchasing your home.
If your flood zone designation is “X” or “C” then you are not in a SFHA.
If your flood zone designation is “A”, “AE”, “AH”, “AO”, or
“AR” followed by a number, you are in a SFHA and your property may be subject
to additional permitting restrictions.
What does the number
following the flood zone designation mean?
The number listed adjacent to your flood zone is called the
Base Flood Elevation, or BFE. FEMA defines a BFE as “the computed elevation to
which floodwater is anticipated to rise during the base flood and the
regulatory requirement for the elevation or flood-proofing of structures.”
The first floor of all new construction homes must be built
above the BFE. Most municipalities in our local area have also adopted
additional requirements, known as “freeboard.”
What does “freeboard”
Freeboard is a “safety factor” that individual jurisdictions
can adopt, imposing more stringent height requirements than the FEMA mandated
requirements. For example, Charleston now requires an additional 1’ of
freeboard. Freeboard requirements differ based on municipality.
How does flood zone,
BFE, and freeboard affect my remodel?
FEMA flood zone maps, FEMA requirements, and individual
municipality requirements change regularly. As a result the first floor of your
home may fall below the Base Flood Elevation or below the freeboard requirement
of your given municipality. If this is the case, you can only spend 50% of the
value of your home’s structure (excluding the value of the land) on home improvements
OR you must bring the home up to the current municipal code and FEMA guidelines
(a.k.a. raise the home).
For example:
A homeowner purchases a marsh front property in the City
of Charleston for $800,000. The land is valued at $500,000 and the house is
valued at $300,000. It is in an AE-13 flood zone.
The first floor of the property is located at elevation
11’-6” (1’-6” below the BFE). In order to meet both the FEMA requirements and
the city of Charleston’s freeboard requirements, the first floor needs to be at
or above 14’ (AE-13 + 1’0” of freeboard).
The homeowner can only permit a construction project worth
$150,000 ($300,000 x 50%), without raising the first floor elevation.
There is also a required reset period. The city of
Charleston has a 5 year reset. With regard to the example above, the homeowner
is limited to $150,000 over the course of 5 years. In Mount Pleasant, the time period is 10
years; each municipality varies.
The Bottomline:
These are complicated issues for
those who aren’t well-versed with the various rules and regulations that apply
to properties located in SFHAs. There are also exceptions to every rule. Your
best bet is to hire a contractor with experience working in flood zone
restricted areas, who is familiar with various municipal codes, reset periods
and qualifying exceptions in your region.